Learn Turkish- Every Tourist Must Know- Part 2
Days and Times
The information you see below is for the people who are totally Turkish beginner and visit Turkey for a while with a reason of work, travel or etc. When you visit a foreign country, it is very important to get an idea about language, culture, people of that country.Because this will give a big advantage and benefit to be able to manage your daily life easer. You can meet with new people and have commonication easily and confidently. And also if you get an enough language knowledge of that country, you can meeet your needs easily at shop, bank, hospital, postoffice ...etc.
Here are the fundamental phrases, sentences and vocabulary for beginners:
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Ne zaman? When?
Bugün today
yarın tomorrow
dün yesterday
Saat kaçta? What time?
dakika minute
10 dakika 10 minutes
saat 2 hours
gün day
1 gün one day
hafta week
ay month
yıl year
pazartesi (on ) monday
salı tuesday
çarşamba wednesday
perşembe thursday
cuma friday
cumartesi saturday
pazar sunday
hafta sonu (on ) weekend
Ocak January
Şubat February
Mart March
Nisan April
Mayıs May
Haziran June
Temmuz July
Ağustos August
Eylül September
Ekim October
Kasım November
Aralık December
Hangi ay? Which month?
Ocak ayı month of january
Kaç ay? How many months?
3 ay 3 months
uzun zaman long time / for a long time
bir süre for a while
kısa zaman short time / for a short time
para money
bozuk para change money
Buyurun. How can I help? What do you want?/Here you are
Efendim. My madam / my sir.
Kahve kaç lira? How much is coffee?
1 kilo elma ne kadar? How much is one kilo of apple?
Yarım kilo elma. Half kilo of apple.
Sadece bakıyorum. I am just looking.
Bunu alıyorum. I'll buy it.
Bunu almak istiyorum. I want to buy this.
Çok pahalı. Very expensive.
Çok ucuz. Very cheap.
Fiyatı iyi. Price is good.
Fiş alabilir miyim? Can I get a bill?
Kabinler nerede? Where are the changerooms?
O çok büyük. That is too big./large.
Bu çok küçük. This is too small.
Bunu denemek istiyorum. I want to try on this.
Bunu deneyebilir miyim? Can I try on this?
Bunun başka rengi var mı? Is there any other color of this?
Kaç beden giyiyorsunuz? What size do you wear?
---- var mı? Do you have?
Kaç tane? How many?
Bir / iki / üç tane 1 /2 /3
Az Little
Çok Many / a lot
Pazarlık Bargain
İndirim var mı? Is there a discount?
Nasıl ödeyeceksiniz? How will you pay?
Nakit Cash
Peşin Cash
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